"Beware of all endeavors that require new clothes." --Henry Thoreau

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I officially tender my resignation....

I officially tender my resignation as the spelling and grammar nazi. It's official, my brain is nothing more that a pile of gray mush. Neural connections that were once taught and rapidly firing action potentials now sluggishly sputter messages along sagging axons. How have I come to this conclusion? Well, I was making a Christmas gift for my parents and on the cover I shamefully wrote, "Oh how are family has grown." What's worse is that I must have read it over at least 10 times before I caught the egregious error. How embarrassing. My writing also seems to have an inordinate amount of commas when I go back to edit - maybe it's just because my brain pauses more often than it used to. In addition, I have lost the ability to discriminate between correct and incorrect compound words. When in doubt, I just fuse the two words in question together and hope for the best. Thanks god for spell check these days. I am in the process of trying to write several grants and let's just say that I am very nervous.

Truth is, Julian doesn't sleep much. Never has. Before we had him, I used to say, "Whatever, no big deal. I was in grad school. I can handle it." Well, it's a different kind of no sleep. In grad school you get to sleep eventually - for as many hours as you want. There is a reason that sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture.

Long before we were parents, every time I saw someone on TV pour milk from their baby's bottle into their coffee, I always said to myself, "Yeah right, like that really happens." That was, until I poured water into my salad instead of salad dressing, before I put my dinner in the cupboard instead of the microwave, closed the cabinet door, and then stared at it as if it was cooking, and before I tried to open the door to my office with the automatic door opener from my car. I just keep pressing the button while pointing the car door opener at the doorknob, cursing the damn thing for not working properly.

And then...Julian smiles at me. He is amazing. Sleep deprivation and all, we wouldn't trade this experience for anything....is anything one word or two? Seriously.

Here are some videos for your viewing pleasure:

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