Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Attack of the Green Smoothie!
It's hard to read with the schmear of green smoothie, but his shirt reads, "The Leprechauns made me do it." How apropos.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
"I Juju"
It has been far too long since we have updated our blog. Such is life. I am starting to realize that for the first 32 years of my life, I really took for granted that I could basically do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. This is no longer the case. Anyone who has tried to check their e-mail or scrub some dishes as a toddler screams bloody murder while beating you senseless with a foam baseball bat knows exactly what I mean.
Occasional beatings aside, Julian is about 17.5 months and is SUCH a blast these days. We are really loving this age. We seem to have gone through the “terrible two’s” at about 14 months and are hoping that the days of knock-down-drag-out tantrums are over. We have been implementing a discipline strategy called Conscious Discipline and have more recently added aspects of Love and Logic. We started working with him at about 12 months out of necessity and it has really begun to pay off. While lots of toddlers are getting more and more difficult to deal with, Julian is getting easier. It may be no coincidence that his behavior started to change for the better once all his teeth finally came through for good. How am I finally able to update the blog you must be wondering? Julian is taking an unusually long nap (i.e., longer than 30 minutes) after a super crummy night of "sleep".
It is also no coincidence, in my opinion, that the positive changes are very positively correlated with Julian’s ability to express himself verbally. He is a veritable jabberbox and uttered his first full sentence (“I did it!") at about 14.5 months. At about 16 months, trying to see how far I could stretch the whole talking thing, I said, “Hey Julian, I’m mama, that’s dada. Who are you?” To which he replied, “I Juju.” Hence the nickname that Brian and I affectionately call him.
As for recent obsessions, they include but are not limited to: wheels, anything with wheels (especially tractors and dump trucks), animals, tools and his tool bench, his "boom" and sweeping, puzzles, books, dinosaurs, jumping off of everything in sight (including the beds and the couches) and somehow miraculously landing on his feet, helicopters, airplanes, dancing, soccer, basketballs (his FAVORITE word), tennis balls, baseballs, Bora Bars, his instruments, wind chimes, blowing raspberries.....and the list could really go on forever now that I am putting it all into words.
Julian has always been a busy baby. For the last 4 or so months, they best way to avoid a tantrum has been to let him help. I tell people he’s like a Border Collie; he always needs a “job”. So he helps – with everything – and thoroughly enjoys it. Thanks to my mom, "nama", he now has his own kitchen, and a learning tower (HUGE help) so he can help me when I chop, cook, and make bread. Thanks to his Grandma Linda, he has a broom, mop, and dust pan set so he can help me sweep. He helps in the garden, putting clothes away, doing laundry – you name the task and he wants to help. Also, being so eager to please, he has been peeing on the potty for us when it suits him. SO without further ado, here are some videos of Julian doing what he is best at: helping, and goofing off.
Occasional beatings aside, Julian is about 17.5 months and is SUCH a blast these days. We are really loving this age. We seem to have gone through the “terrible two’s” at about 14 months and are hoping that the days of knock-down-drag-out tantrums are over. We have been implementing a discipline strategy called Conscious Discipline and have more recently added aspects of Love and Logic. We started working with him at about 12 months out of necessity and it has really begun to pay off. While lots of toddlers are getting more and more difficult to deal with, Julian is getting easier. It may be no coincidence that his behavior started to change for the better once all his teeth finally came through for good. How am I finally able to update the blog you must be wondering? Julian is taking an unusually long nap (i.e., longer than 30 minutes) after a super crummy night of "sleep".
It is also no coincidence, in my opinion, that the positive changes are very positively correlated with Julian’s ability to express himself verbally. He is a veritable jabberbox and uttered his first full sentence (“I did it!") at about 14.5 months. At about 16 months, trying to see how far I could stretch the whole talking thing, I said, “Hey Julian, I’m mama, that’s dada. Who are you?” To which he replied, “I Juju.” Hence the nickname that Brian and I affectionately call him.
As for recent obsessions, they include but are not limited to: wheels, anything with wheels (especially tractors and dump trucks), animals, tools and his tool bench, his "boom" and sweeping, puzzles, books, dinosaurs, jumping off of everything in sight (including the beds and the couches) and somehow miraculously landing on his feet, helicopters, airplanes, dancing, soccer, basketballs (his FAVORITE word), tennis balls, baseballs, Bora Bars, his instruments, wind chimes, blowing raspberries.....and the list could really go on forever now that I am putting it all into words.
Julian has always been a busy baby. For the last 4 or so months, they best way to avoid a tantrum has been to let him help. I tell people he’s like a Border Collie; he always needs a “job”. So he helps – with everything – and thoroughly enjoys it. Thanks to my mom, "nama", he now has his own kitchen, and a learning tower (HUGE help) so he can help me when I chop, cook, and make bread. Thanks to his Grandma Linda, he has a broom, mop, and dust pan set so he can help me sweep. He helps in the garden, putting clothes away, doing laundry – you name the task and he wants to help. Also, being so eager to please, he has been peeing on the potty for us when it suits him. SO without further ado, here are some videos of Julian doing what he is best at: helping, and goofing off.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mass Exodus to Canada Averted
Today, we are so proud to be American and are finally feeling positive about what lies ahead. Guess we'll stick around for a while after all....
"Yes we can heal this nation. Yes we can repair this world."
President Barack Obama
"Yes we can heal this nation. Yes we can repair this world."
President Barack Obama
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Soccer Star
Julian in his Halloween costume at about 14.5 months. Much to our delight, he has been dribbling a soccer ball since he could walk. No pressure but YEAH!
Our Little Man
EE posted this and is a man of few words. I'll just say briefly that yes, this blog has gone woefully neglected and that a more comprehensive update is certainly in order. Things have been busy but awesome.
Here is a postworthy video of Julian, at 14 months, barking like a dog, getting psyched about a ball, and walking down the stairs by himself. He is such a "big" little boy these days:)
Here is a postworthy video of Julian, at 14 months, barking like a dog, getting psyched about a ball, and walking down the stairs by himself. He is such a "big" little boy these days:)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Walking = Sleep = Happy People
Julian Walker is officially walking! He took his first steps about a month ago but really hasn't started walking around until last week. Thankfully, this huge developmental change has also coincided with much needed SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Julian is about 11.5 months old and has not only never slept through the night, but until last week, was getting up anywhere from 6-12 times a night. Currently he is getting his molars; definitely the top two and possibly the bottom two as well. Until he started walking recently, all things sleep related were the worst they had ever been. Eagleye and I were at the very end of our ropes with the whole sleep deprivation thing. I have been hesitant to blog about him sleeping because I didn't want to jinx our sleeping streak but it has been a whole week (knock on wood)! Granted, he still gets up 2 to 3 times a night. Even still, this is not only a VAST improvement, he also goes back to sleep immediately, which is a welcome change. I am almost starting to feel like a normal person again!
I am so proud of EE and I for sticking it out with J and his abbysmal sleep dysfunction. We are a cosleeping family and consider it an important part of our family dynamic. "Cry It Out" (CIO) is not and never will be an option. I even had someone tell me that I was a bad mom for NOT letting him CIO. Since we won't CIO, we can say that we tried almost everything (within reason) to try and help Julian sleep. You name it and we have tried it. As it turns out, it wasn't anything that we could do for him, it was something that he had to work out within himself.
Watching Julian grow has been amazing. It is hard to believe that our little baby is becoming a little boy. Since I am part-time as of today (whohoo!), I will try to get more pictures and videos posted. We don't have a blog worthy video of him walking recently. It's definitely worth waiting for the right moment since the mummy walk (hands in the air) and accompanying baby babble are pretty cute.
The countdown to our hike has begun. We have almost all of our gear and our Muir Trail Ranch resupply buckets are already on their way to the wilderness. I have been meaning to get our trailjournal started for some time now so hopefully I can tackle that this weekend. Unfortunately, we won't be able to update in real time or near real time like we did on the PCT. There isn't much cell service in the Sierras, at least there wasn't the last two times we were out there. I am really looking forward to disconnecting anyway.
We have been on some shakedown hikes but not nearly enough in my opinion. There is something about not sleeping for 11 months that takes the pep right out of your step. I think we have abandoned the super heavy Sherpani child carrier/pack in favor of a more babywearing and nursing friendly Mei Tai that a friend and fellow Vegas mama is sewing for us.
We are SO looking forward to being back out on the trail again. Back out in the wilderness where we truly belong. Hopefully, Julian will be at peace out there and this will be the beginning of a life-long love affair with long distance hiking and the glorious Sierra Nevada. The mountains beckon.......
I am so proud of EE and I for sticking it out with J and his abbysmal sleep dysfunction. We are a cosleeping family and consider it an important part of our family dynamic. "Cry It Out" (CIO) is not and never will be an option. I even had someone tell me that I was a bad mom for NOT letting him CIO. Since we won't CIO, we can say that we tried almost everything (within reason) to try and help Julian sleep. You name it and we have tried it. As it turns out, it wasn't anything that we could do for him, it was something that he had to work out within himself.
Watching Julian grow has been amazing. It is hard to believe that our little baby is becoming a little boy. Since I am part-time as of today (whohoo!), I will try to get more pictures and videos posted. We don't have a blog worthy video of him walking recently. It's definitely worth waiting for the right moment since the mummy walk (hands in the air) and accompanying baby babble are pretty cute.
The countdown to our hike has begun. We have almost all of our gear and our Muir Trail Ranch resupply buckets are already on their way to the wilderness. I have been meaning to get our trailjournal started for some time now so hopefully I can tackle that this weekend. Unfortunately, we won't be able to update in real time or near real time like we did on the PCT. There isn't much cell service in the Sierras, at least there wasn't the last two times we were out there. I am really looking forward to disconnecting anyway.
We have been on some shakedown hikes but not nearly enough in my opinion. There is something about not sleeping for 11 months that takes the pep right out of your step. I think we have abandoned the super heavy Sherpani child carrier/pack in favor of a more babywearing and nursing friendly Mei Tai that a friend and fellow Vegas mama is sewing for us.
We are SO looking forward to being back out on the trail again. Back out in the wilderness where we truly belong. Hopefully, Julian will be at peace out there and this will be the beginning of a life-long love affair with long distance hiking and the glorious Sierra Nevada. The mountains beckon.......
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Funny Stuff
Some psycho is stalking and heckling our family blog. This person checks our blog literally every day and we have no idea who it is (except for an IP address) but they sent me this e-mail:
Talk about a hypocrite. You praise all things holy and democratic, yet you censor the comments that people want to post in response to your psycobabbling blogs. Don't Democrats argue that censorship is a Republican driven machine? You don't have the balls to allow people to comment on your paranoia? You really are a crazy nut. One word: Bellvue.
This is in response to the fact that I have chosen to moderate comments on our blog (thanks to this crazy blog stalker). It's not uncommon, lots of people do it , mostly because there are lots of nuts in cyberspace that will say practically anything when anonymously hiding behind their keyboard. You talk about hypocrisy and balls Mr. "ANONYMOUS" psycho blog stalker? This medium of communication really brings out the worst in some people. They spout off at the mouth and say all sorts of crummy things that they would never have the guts to say in person. I'm not censoring you idiot. I still get your irrational comments. I don't want your trash on my family blog that's all. Anyone in their right mind would do the same thing. Let me guess, you are a Republican and are offended by the sight of a woman breastfeeding in public. Oh yeah, and per your last comment, you think natural birthing is a joke. Great. Now leave us alone you loon and find some other family blog to stalk.
Edited to add: It is approximately 3:00pm on the west coast and psycho blog stalker has already checked our blog 4 times today! YIKES! This nut also sent me another super funny e-mail. I'll spare you most of it but have to include this part because it is so freaking hysterical:
Get a life. To call this a "family blog" is hilarious. Ads about being a Democrat, articles on underwater births as well as Puerto Rican breastfeeding commercials have nothing to do with your family. They have to do with you being a loser with a lot of time on your hands. Just shutup, run for office, and tell us about your family.
Ummmmm.....OK crazy stalker. So even though we are proud not to be Republican, have had a waterbirth, and proudly breastfeed our 10.5 month old, these topics have nothing to do with my family. I suppose things like Baby-Led Weaning and Elimination Communication and ludicrous behaviors like recycling make me a loser too? Come on nutjob. I hardly think that posting once a month on average indicates that I have too much time on my hands. Actually, it is quite the oppsite. Psycho stalker checked our blog today 4 times by 3pm. Ummm...who has too much time on their hands? Who needs to get a life? Its a big blogosphere out there cowardly, anonymous, psycho blog stalker. Like I said - find another blog to stalk.
Talk about a hypocrite. You praise all things holy and democratic, yet you censor the comments that people want to post in response to your psycobabbling blogs. Don't Democrats argue that censorship is a Republican driven machine? You don't have the balls to allow people to comment on your paranoia? You really are a crazy nut. One word: Bellvue.
This is in response to the fact that I have chosen to moderate comments on our blog (thanks to this crazy blog stalker). It's not uncommon, lots of people do it , mostly because there are lots of nuts in cyberspace that will say practically anything when anonymously hiding behind their keyboard. You talk about hypocrisy and balls Mr. "ANONYMOUS" psycho blog stalker? This medium of communication really brings out the worst in some people. They spout off at the mouth and say all sorts of crummy things that they would never have the guts to say in person. I'm not censoring you idiot. I still get your irrational comments. I don't want your trash on my family blog that's all. Anyone in their right mind would do the same thing. Let me guess, you are a Republican and are offended by the sight of a woman breastfeeding in public. Oh yeah, and per your last comment, you think natural birthing is a joke. Great. Now leave us alone you loon and find some other family blog to stalk.
Edited to add: It is approximately 3:00pm on the west coast and psycho blog stalker has already checked our blog 4 times today! YIKES! This nut also sent me another super funny e-mail. I'll spare you most of it but have to include this part because it is so freaking hysterical:
Get a life. To call this a "family blog" is hilarious. Ads about being a Democrat, articles on underwater births as well as Puerto Rican breastfeeding commercials have nothing to do with your family. They have to do with you being a loser with a lot of time on your hands. Just shutup, run for office, and tell us about your family.
Ummmmm.....OK crazy stalker. So even though we are proud not to be Republican, have had a waterbirth, and proudly breastfeed our 10.5 month old, these topics have nothing to do with my family. I suppose things like Baby-Led Weaning and Elimination Communication and ludicrous behaviors like recycling make me a loser too? Come on nutjob. I hardly think that posting once a month on average indicates that I have too much time on my hands. Actually, it is quite the oppsite. Psycho stalker checked our blog today 4 times by 3pm. Ummm...who has too much time on their hands? Who needs to get a life? Its a big blogosphere out there cowardly, anonymous, psycho blog stalker. Like I said - find another blog to stalk.
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